Who Can You Serve Better?

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I'm on a gluten free diet and have been for several years.  This makes it super challenging to do things like eat at a friends home, grab a bite at a restaurant, or travel without packing my own snacks.

So you can imagine my delight when the flight I took not only had safe food but an option that was labeled vegan and gluten free.  Delight!

My son and I get very happy when we see any snack clearly labeled "gluten free" and we'll try almost any brand at least once.  Some rock.  Others taste like rocks.

In the last several years, it's become much easier to eat safely because more and more companies have realized if they can make great food (okay, even borderline good food) for those on a gluten free diet they can meet a growing demand for it.  Some companies are exclusively gluten free, like Sahale Snacks (whose snacks totally rock!).  Some are mostly natural, like Amy's Organics, but have gluten free options.  And some mainstream companies aren't gluten free but they're modifying products and testing to ensure they can safely label gluten free.

What segment of your market (business clients, customers, blog readers, whatever fits here for you) might be under served?  How can you connect with them, find out their needs, and better meet them?

Make them happy and they'll market for you.  Every time I find something good that's gluten free, I tell others about it, and I keep buying it.  When my gluten free friends find something good, all they have to do is mention it and it goes in my shopping cart the next time I'm at the store.

Image Credit: iqoncept/StockFresh


  1. David Verney
    Twitter: DaveVerney

    Thank you for this one Michelle. It really takes some thinking about and is really worth taking some time to think because if we can find a segment of our readership that we can expand on and take advantage of our reader's needs for specific areas of our industry.

    Even just asking the question: Who are you serving? leaves a lot of space for development.

    Have a great day

    Your friend across the pond

    David Verney recently posted… Jazzing Up Your Twitter ProfileMy Profile

  2. Adalia
    Twitter: adaliaj

    Hello Michelle,

    Timely post, I've been conducting interviews to discover the ways I can bring more value to my clients by giving them what they want, not what I think they want. Serving the under-serve Is a sure-fire way of finding and keeping clients/customers. As you stated in your post, you get excited when you find a gluten free product and you share it with others and they do the same for you. So too, will the clients who were once under-served … they will happily share your product/service with others. Your business will grown through two of the most valuable gifts any business can receive, word of mouth marketing and referrals.

    This is a win-win. Awesome!!
    Adalia recently posted… 100 Tweetable Confidence QuotesMy Profile

  3. Marcie
    Twitter: marcie_hill

    You are so on target with this article. In addition to my community site, I have a community resource site and I STILL don't have a clearly defined audience. However, someone gave me an idea for better targeting which will be implemented by year end. Great stuff!

  4. Brock Blohm
    Twitter: start_networkin

    You got it! Just like great content on the web. If you develop some good stuff, people naturally want to spread it, reducing the 'advertising costs'.

    Ahh the power of good stuff in niche markets! :)
    Brock Blohm recently posted… Residual Income VS. No Residual IncomeMy Profile

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