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Start Your Home Business

Are you READY to start your own home based business?

Wondering if it’s a good decision for you?

Take this quick 10 question quiz to find out if working at home is right for you AND what type of business you might be suitable for. Click here for the quiz.

Are you looking for ideas to help you start your own home based business?

Here’s a great series of guides.  These are only $19.77 each and give you all the info you need to decide if the business is right for you and help you get started quick!

Just click the images on the left to learn more about any of the guides.

Disclosure: These are affiliate links. I’m promoting these guides because I’ve seen the consistently high quality Nicole Dean offers (I own several of her other products) and believe these guides are a great overview of some of your options to start your own home based business.

VA Business How to Become a Virtual Assistant

There is one home business that can be done by anyone with basic computer skills and great office and communication skills. That’s a Virtual Assistant.  There are people around the world working as Virtual Assistants. Small businesses love contracting out work and they don’t mind that you’re not local.  But, how do you get started in this business?

All the information you need to get started is in the “VA Starter Pack”. When you order and receive your guide you’ll have an easy plan of action to get started with a business you really love.  You’ll also have the benefit of running a business that you can do from home, around YOUR schedule.

Write for Pay How to Become a Ghost Writer

Did you know that if you love and have a talent for writing, you can quickly turn that skill into a profitable business? It’s actually a lot easier than you might think… plus, you can do it from the comfort of your own home. What could be better than that?

An online ghostwriter writes articles, reports and other content for business owners, professional writers and more. Ghostwriters have always been in demand and with the explosion of information on the Internet, demand is quickly skyrocketing – giving you the perfect opportunity to get in on this business with minimal start up costs.

To find out if this business might be right for you and to learn how to get started, be sure to pick up the Just Add Sweat Guide, “How to Become a Ghostwriter”. It shows you exactly how to break into this business, find your market and sell your writing.

Type for Pay How to Become a General Transcriptionist

Have you been searching for the right business idea and haven’t found anything that really suits you? Perhaps you’re not technical enough to be a Virtual Assistant, Graphics Designer or Webmaster. And, maybe you’re not confident enough to be a Ghostwriter.  There is one home business that can be done by anyone who can type. It’s a Transcriptionist.

Now, before you panic, this is not a Medical Transcriptionist. No Medical terms are required. This is simply a position turning online audios into text.  For instance, podcasters record weekly shows. Many of them hire transcriptionist to type in the shows for their archives. Also, online marketers are always recording training audios. Who do you think puts together the info? It sure isn’t the “big shot”. It’s a mom like you who receives the audio, hits “play”, and types it all up.

But, how do you get started in this business?  All the information you need to get started is in the “Transcription Starter Pack”.

Start a Recipe Blog How to Start a Recipe Blog

Do you love cooking and want to start a business?  The ‘How to Start a Recipe Blog for Fun and Profit’ Guide offers information about how to start a blog, how you can make money blogging, how to get traffic and lots more.

You’ll have everything you need to get started at your fingertips.  Order this guide and you’ll have a plan of action on running a business you’ll love.  You’ll also be providing some fantastic recipes to people who will really appreciate it.

Start a Craft Blog How to Start a Craft Blog

Ever considered using your love of crafts as a springboard to jump-start a new business?

Crafters are everywhere, and they’re looking for great advice and directions on how to make the things they love.  You can help!

The ‘How to Start a Crafts Blog for Fun and Profit’ Guide offers real and practical information about how to get a blog up and making money in a very short time.  It’s not nearly as hard as it seems once you have the steps to follow!

Start a Review Blog How to Start a Review Blog

People are always looking for reviews of products they are interested in purchasing.  You can fill this need by starting a blog and doing reviews.

‘How to Start a Review Blog for Fun and Profit’ offers help getting you up and running with your own blog that reviews products people are looking for information on.  It’s all laid out in simple to follow steps so you won’t get frustrated!

Santa Letter Business How to Start a Santa Letter Business

This guide tells you exactly how to start one of the coolest businesses I’ve seen that can really give a mom a jump start to making some extra money without committing their bank account, their life and all of their free time.

The guide is called “How To Start A Santa Letter Business”.  It’s basically an online business that, for a fee, allows people to order Letters From Santa for their kids.  The business owner creates the letter based on a questionnaire, throws in some special extras and mails the letter to the child.

Even though it’s a business that is focused on Christmas, it’s also a business that can be expanded to other times of the year and childhood milestones, like Birthdays,  losing teeth, new baby, etc.  So it can really grow (or not grow) to whatever you want it to be.