Crossing the Line to a Help Desk

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This week I’ve felt like the person on the left, buried alive in my office! Thank goodness email is digital and I’m really not trapped under tons of paper. *grin* It’s been coming… to say I should have done it 6 months ago would be an understatement.  I’m finally crying uncle and moving my email [...]

Outsourcing in the Kitchen?

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Too busy to cook dinner? Outsource it! Not to the local pizza shop, restaurant, or cook, but to your freezer or crock pot! What…? So it’s a bit off-topic for my blog, but it’s a weekend and I wanted to share a new resource page with you that I’ve created. I normally blog about internet [...]

5 Tips to Help You Work More Effectively With a Virtual Assistant


It takes teamwork and communication to effectively outsource business (or personal) tasks.  Just like the planes flying in formation at left, without that teamwork and communication… things will crash and burn! Here are 5 tips to help you work effectively with a virtual assistant. 1) Decide what you want to delegate and the goal. Tell [...]

Why It’s Important to Choose the Right Professional For Your Outsourcing Project

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One of the biggest mistakes I see small business owners and entrepreneurs make in their outsourcing is to try to outsource everything to one virtual assistant, one programmer, or one personal assistant. You want to make sure you’re choosing the right professional for your outsourcing project. You would not try to outsource your laundry to [...]

How to Save Money When Outsourcing Your Projects

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Yesterday I shared some ways that you can decide which tasks or projects to outsource.  Today I want to share some tips to help you stay within your budget when you’re working with outsourcers or virtual assistants. Have you been outsourcing projects but spending more money that you expected or going over budget regularly? This [...]

5 Strategies to Help You Decide What to Outsource


This week I’ll be sharing a series of posts on delegating and outsourcing for small business owners.  Here’s part 1 – how to decide what to outsource. Deciding what to delegate can be tough when you’re used to working alone in your business and doing it all yourself. Here are five ways you can figure [...]