What Are You Tolerating?

Two Signs Fix It or Live With a Problem Tolerate or Improve

What things are you tolerating in your business (and your life) that are holding you back from reaching your potential? Take a stand for yourself and the difference you want to make for yourself, your family, and in this world. Stop tolerating the things that discourage you and stop you from moving forward. You will [...]

How I'm Growing My Business Faster and Having More Fun


Do you want to make a bigger impact while building a more profitable business and having more fun? Yes, I know, that was a silly question… of course you do! So let’s chat for a minute. What’s it take?  What’s the real secret?  What are people who are having 5 and 6 figure months doing [...]

Are Your Money Masks Crippling Your Business?


Guest Post by Shameca Tankerson of Stiletto Wealth Society The latest statistics from the Small Business Administration’s latest stats show that new businesses have a 50 percent chance of surviving beyond the first five years. Some common factors that contribute to business failures are: Insufficient Capital Poor Management Lack of Planning But, there is a [...]

Here's the Only Thing You Should Doubt


Isn’t that a great idea? Too often we doubt ourselves.  We set big goals and then we talk ourselves out of reaching them.  We imagine all the things that might go wrong, the situations we might not navigate successfully, or the chances that we might fail at what we set out to do. Rise to [...]

7 Reasons You Aren't Feeling Creative (And How to Fix It Quick)


Like this infographic? Get more content marketing tips from Copyblogger. What do you do to break out of that creative rut and get back to creating awesome again?  Do any of these challenges or solutions sound familiar?

Don't Make it Pretty, Make it Work


This morning as I surfed through the social networks and got a bit of work done, I ran across this interesting article on TechCrunch about how Facebook hacked the NASDAQ button to post a status about CEO Mark Zuckerburg ringing the bell this morning. One line in the article struck me as very cool: “The [...]

What Makes You Come Alive?


I hold a personal belief that we’re all designed to create amazing things.  We’re all creative in unique ways and we each have our own mission here on earth. Two of my favorite quotes lately are: “Don’t ask what the world needs. Ask what makes you come alive, and go do it. Because what the [...]

Need a Pep Talk? Kick in the Pants?


Ever get discouraged? Frustrated that you can’t “balance” everything? Not sure what steps to take next to reach your big vision for your life’s work? Feeling unsure what your superpowers are or how to share them with the world? Stop reading this post and go get The Fire Starter Sessions  by Danielle LaPorte right now.  [...]

How to Get Past Your Fear of Being Judged by Others

Nervous Woman on white

Do you worry what others think of you and your business? Sometimes when we’ve made the decision to strike out on our own and create our own entrepreneurial business, our friends and families don’t quite “get” it… But here’s a great video from the rocking Marie Forleo about how to deal with it: Can’t see [...]

Are You Making this Common Entreprenuer Money Mistake?


Money mistakes.  Running your own business gives you lots of opportunities to make them… from setting money goals to managing cash flow to pricing your products or services…  Today I want to introduce you to Tony Tiefenbach, the Income Acceleration Expert.  Tony specializies in helping entrepreneurs transform their businesses and go from offering $50 products or [...]