Five Steps to Get More Traffic to Your Blog

Is your blog getting traffic? Or do you feel like you’re blogging into a black hole? No more! Get traffic to your blog with this five step plan.

Step One: Offer an RSS feed to get regular readers.

RSS (real simple syndication) is an easy way for people to get notified when you’ve added new content to your blog. Most blogs have RSS built in, but I recommend using FeedBurner for additional options.

Add your blog’s feed to the FeedBurner system. Then activate their email delivery option and add the code for subscription by email to your blog (if you’re using WordPress just copy and paste the code into a widget). This will allow visitors to subscribe to your posts by email as well as offering an RSS feed for those who use RSS readers.

Step Two: Get your blog on Networked Blogs.

Networked Blogs is a great promotional tool. In addition to listing your blog on their website, it also connects with Facebook and Twitter. You can add a “Blog” tab to both your personal profile and your fan page. Set it up so that it automatically updates your status when you add a new blog post.

Step Three: Encourage your readers to share your blog.

There are many options to choose from to give your readers a way to share your blog with their friends and colleagues.

Here are some you might consider:
- SexyBookmarks or Sociable
- TweetMeMe Retweet Button
- FBLikeButton

Step Four: Reach out and network.

Know your target audience for your blog. Then figure out where you can find them. Find other blogs they read and leave helpful comments on those blogs. Get active on forums they visit.

Setup a profile for yourself with gravatar and comluv to help you get more out of leaving blog comments. Gravatar will add your photo to your comments. Comluv will add a link to your latest blog post on comluv enabled blogs. Depending on which blogs you comment on, you may also want to setup profiles at Blogger, WordPress, and Disqus.

Once you’re familiar with other bloggers in your niche, reach out and invite them to write guest posts for your blog, introduce them to your readers and

Step Five: Blog regularly!

You will need to find the rhythm that works for you. It might be 3 times a week. It might be daily. Be consistent. Your readers will come back more often if they know you’ll always have new content.

Bonus Step: Repurpose your blog content.

Help your content get more exposure by repurposing it into a podcast, video blog, articles, ecourses, ebooks and more. Since people consume content in different preferred formats this will allow you to reach more people.



  1. Gonzalo J. Suarez
    Twitter: gjsuap

    I must add: “Enter a blog challenge”. It helps to keep publishing a good rate, have accountability and to get in relation with other bloggers.

    I invite you to, which will held on August. I know that Michelle didn’t mention because of modesty -she´s one of the organizers- but I think she and Michele will do a great work on it (I knew them form a previous blog challenge). So, inscribe yourself soon to UBC if really want to impulse your blog, big or small, old or new!!



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