Motivation for the Week: Words of Wisdom

Could you use a little motivation to get you started off this week?  Here’s a video with great quotes from Napoleon Hill.

If you like it, check out YouTube user OnlineMotivator to find more inspirational videos with quotes from other great minds like Winston Churchill, Zig Ziglar, Jim Rohn, and many others.

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Beware of Goal Busters

Note from Michelle: I decided to share a great article today from one of the most action-oriented women I know.  When this lady talks about goals and action, it’s from experience, and there’s lots to learn!

Do you have lofty goals? Then you should be aware of the goal busters that surround you.

Goal busters can be anything from a deceptively friendly acquaintance (who really doesn’t want you to succeed) to even an inanimate object. Consider a few examples of persons, places and things that seem to carry negative energy-which is lethal to a person trying to make a change in life!

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Join the Mini Blog Challenge!

The brilliant Jeanette Cates (who put together the 30 day blog challenge I’ve been participating in this month) is now sponsoring a mini blog challenge between now and the end of June – 7 posts in 10 days.  Come on, give it a try!

You can sign up free by clicking that image on the left.

Why join in the blog challenge?  I can tell you why I’ve *loved* participating in the 30 day challenge.

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A Weekend Gift for LOA Fans

If you’re a law of attraction / positive thinking fan, you’ll like these cards I created a while back. Each card has an inspirational quote at the bottom and space on the top for you to write down your tasks to complete and then things that you need to allow/trust the universe to bring you.

Just click here to download free. No opt-in required.  The link is to a ZIP file which contains three PDF files.

If you’re not into Law of Attraction don’t panic – you don’t have to download these, and I rarely post about these sorts of topics.  I’m still analyzing a lot of stuff in my head, to be completely honest.  :)

If you’d like, you’re also invited to sign up for the mailing list (top right corner of the page) and get even more great free stuff from me including worksheets, checklists, and special reports, and then weekly business articles from me. Or connect with me on Facebook using the box on the right side of this page.

Do Vision Boards Really Work?

When I was in 4th grade I got my hair cut in a short bob.  By 6th grade my hair cut required the stylist using clippers it was so short on the sides and back.  So when I decided to grow out my hair, it wasn’t a one month kind of goal.

A few years later my hair was waist length.  It’s not a gigantic goal, but it is more impressive when you know that I worked as an espresso barista at a hair salon during this time period.  Every day the talented stylists would give women gorgeous haircuts.  And there I was… watching it all… wavering… LOL

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What’s the Goal of Your Website?

Why do you have a website? What’s the goal? What do you want it to accomplish for you?

Here are some possible goals for a website:

  • to develop a list of targeted prospects
  • to sell products or services
  • to encourage potential customers to contact us by phone or mail
  • to provide product information and/or price lists to customers
  • to provide product information and/or price lists to distributors
  • to provide customer service (how to use/wash/care for items, etc)
  • to provide information to a particular niche or target market
  • to strengthen brand recognition
  • to establish you as an expert in a particular niche or subject

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What Does Success Look Like for Your Business?

You wouldn’t start a road trip across the country without a map. Or, you probably shouldn’t unless you don’t care where you end up. So even if you’re a care-free, by the seat of your pants type of woman, a business is best run with at least some basic goals in mind.

Where are you at in your business today? How much time do you spend working? How much profit are you generating?

Where would you like to be in your business? In 1 year? In 5 years? Long term?

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Are You Taking Action on What You’re Learning?

With so much information at our fingertips, it’s easy to fall into the trap of seeking out more and more information but not taking action on it.

This one catches me all the time.  It always feels like there’s more to learn.  And there is.  But just because I don’t know every little thing about a topic or task doesn’t mean I can’t get moving on whatever it is.  Sometimes you’ve got to just go for it, then fix whatever needs fixing as you go along.

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Need Inspiration? Or a Cool Gift?

A little inspiration is always a good thing.

Check out these inspirational magnets (photo at left)!  They come in lots of different words/nature scenes, and also with inspirational phrases/colors.

I just connected with the crafter behind them on Twitter and love them. I ordered a couple sets to use in my office. They’d make great gifts for clients, colleagues, or your virtual team members.

Get your own at (disclosure, this isn’t an affiliate link, I just really like these magnets and wanted to share)

Goodbye 2009, Hello 2010!

Read a very cool post the other day on Bob the Teacher’s blog at where he talked about acknowledging what we’ve accomplished.  I thought that was a really great perspective.  Go read it!  (And if you’re not already getting his blog updates, it’s worth signing up for.)

Here’s some of what I’m happy about from 2009:

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