Sharing What’s Happening With Me

I’ve had a really big, very busy week! Thought I’d share it in a Monday reflection sort of post.

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Holiday Gifts for my Ezine Readers

iStock_000004680938XSmallAre you subscribed to my newsletter?  If not, now’s a great time to sign up!  I’ve decided to borrow an idea from the ever-brilliant Alicia Forest and do a 12 Days of Christmas giveaway for my readers.  During the month of December I’ll send out  short email each day for 12 days with a gift for you.  I’ll post notes here on the blog but the only way to get the goodies will be if you’re subscribed to my list.  Grab your spot so you don’t miss out!  Sign up in the box on the top right area of any page.
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Bright Ideas to Keep Your Newsletter Interesting

Study TimeIf you struggle to come up with ideas for your newsletter articles, you aren’t alone! Many small business owners aren’t sure what to write about. You want topics that will be interesting to your readers and help them get to “know” you so they learn that you can be a trusted source of the information or products they want.

Let me share some creative ideas with you to help you jump-start your brainstorming.

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Five Free Image Resources for Your Blog or Website

1232922_polaroid_2Here are some free resources I like for adding images to my blog posts or web pages and editing images:

Free Online Photo Resizers

  • Resizr: – you can crop images easily as well as specify the exact size
  • Resize My Picture: – allows you to resize more than one image at once

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How I Implemented Things Quickly

I’ve had a lot of emails and messages asking me how the heck I got so much implemented during the weekend I was at Attract Clients Like Crazy so I thought I’d share how I did it.

Here are five things that helped me take fast action and get things done.

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Thankful for so many things…

So it’s that time of the year in the US where we celebrate the things we’re thankful for (and, if you’re like me, question official holidays, their origins, and real story behind it all… but that’s another blog post).

This morning I’m feeling thankful for all the little things. I can sit here at my desk, at home, enjoying my morning coffee, watching birds play in the snow out the window (also what my cat, Whiskers, is thankful for), and spending time with my kids.

And I’m thankful for you — my clients, colleagues, fans, blog readers, and friends. Thank you for your friendship, support, and business over the years.

When They Hit Me With the “Fairy Stick”

Ever need someone to just hit you with a “fairy stick”?  Apparently I did!

I had a breakthrough this week (okay, I’ve had more breakthroughs than I can count this week, but I’m focusing on a particular one right now) in my Success Circle Coaching mastermind with Richard and the wonderful businesswomen in my group.

My question for the call was focused on when/how to know it’s okay to step up and claim authority or expert status on something.  Richard asked me how long I’d been working in my business (15 years overall, 10+ years professionally), and how many happy clients I had (hundreds).  Then asked me what number I was waiting for.

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My Biggest “Ah-ha!” Moments from Attract Clients Like Crazy

Michelle Shaeffer (Me!) with Adam Urbanski

Michelle Shaeffer (Me!) with Adam Urbanski

You know how sometimes you get the feeling that a light bulb in your head just lit up and something made sense?  I had those moments constantly at ACLC last weekend and thought I’d share just a few of them.

I’ve been doing what I do for more than 10 years now.  I love what I do and I love my clients.  But my business has been more in day to day survival mode than big picture growth mode.  This was the first time I ever took time away to really focus on my own business.  What a perspective shift!

#1 My business is my playground and I get to choose who plays in the sandbox.

I’ve always allowed myself to feel guilty when saying “No” or enforcing any policies or contracts.  I realized that not only am I allowed to have rules and require people to play by them in my business, but that if I really want to have a successful business and help more people it’s necessary.  By not sticking to the rules and choosing who I’m willing to work with and how, I’m not helping those I bend my rules for, and worse yet, I’m keeping myself from being able to help more of the people who I can help.

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20 Actions I Implemented at Attract Clients Like Crazy

I’m sitting in the LA airport waiting on a flight to Seattle, then on home to Anchorage.  Decided it’d be a good time to review what I implemented at ACLC.  Why am I sharing this?  First, because I’m just so darn excited about it all.  Second, because I want you to know that if I can do this so can you.

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Even Super Heroes Need Help: Ways to Get Support and Stay Sane

Do you have support? You’ll notice many super heroes have sidekicks. No one thinks of Batman as less than a hero when when Robin helps out or Alfred takes care of his mansion. It’s okay to get help from a spouse, friend, coach, virtual assistant, maid, children, mother’s helper or all of the above plus more.

Here are some ways you can get support and help to save you time. Be creative and you’ll find that support can make your life easier without being expensive.

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