Build Help Profit

Attention Beginners and Intermediates: Give me just a few minutes each day and I’ll show you how to build your own cash-producing opt-in list … even on a shoestring budget!

Real No-Hype Guide to List-Building … Explained In Simple Terms

  • Frustrated by all the hype about building your own list?
  • Don’t understand all the marketing works and techno-geek language?
  • Spending money with no results? Going nowhere fast?

Stop Wasting All Your Time, Effort And Money — Let Me Show You How to BUILD the list you want, so you can HELP more people, and make a PROFIT.

From: Michelle Shaeffer
Re: List-building for small business owners

Dear Friend,

Have you ever wished that you could sit down for several hours with someone who understands how small and home based business owners can build their own list (and is successfully building one themselves) and get them to explain list-building in such a way that you could understand it … do it … and actually see results from it?

That’s right, you and the expert sitting down at Starbucks® talking over a couple of lattes until they finally closed the doors and forced you to leave.

Wouldn’t you really be able to “get it” if you could pick the brain of someone in the know, asking them question after question until everything was clearly laid out?

What an amazing shortcut that would be for you if it were possible, right?!

Of course, you want to build an opt-in list of “eager beaver” subscribers who are ready to work with you or purchase what you’re offering and recommending anytime you click the SEND MESSAGE button. You’ve been told since day one “the fortune is in the list“.

But you’re still waiting to add your name to the “success stories“, right? And maybe even don’t feel quite right about expecting to make money from your list… (if you feel this way you probably haven’t had the “Help” step explained to you well enough!)

You’ve tried so many products and services you don’t know who or what to believe anymore. More than anything else, you just want to start making money instead of spending it — and you should!

Now, about that shortcut…

I’ll Show You Step-By-Step How To Build And Profit From Your Own Opt-In List

While I haven’t mastered teleportation or transporter technology just yet (I’ll keep working on it) so I can’t materialize myself in your hometown to meet you at the local coffee shop for a brainstorming session, I can give you the next best shortcut!

Build Help Profit

Your Step by Step Guide to List Building & Profit Success

But, before we get to that -Why should you listen to me?

In the last year I’ve grown my list from under 200 subscribers all the way to 1,700+ and growing daily.

Fact number one: I’ve been doing this a while and have produced results that speak for themselves.

Fact number two: It doesn’t really matter to you what I’ve been doing. What you want is to see results for YOU.

So, with that goal in mind -

Here’s how to BUILD that list of subscribers so you can HELP more people and get them to buy from you so you can make a PROFIT.

I’ve identified dozens of questions about the basics of list-building (from beginners and imtermediates who aren’t really seeing results) and I’ve answered them. And not just “answered” them — I’ve put things into a logical, step-by-step system that anyone can follow.

It’s the List P.R.O.F.I.T. System

P – PROMOTE your list.
R – REWARD the optin.
O – OFFER a proposal.
F – FIXATE attention.
I – INITIATE a response.
T – THWART the filters.

These six steps hold the key to making a profit with your business online.

And it’s all laid out in simple, easy-to-follow steps…

1. DEVELOP a landing page.

You need a special web page to send visitors to so they can join your list. By using some very specific design elements and words that will help increase your “opt-in rate” (the number of visitors to the page who decided to join your list) you’ll be ready to begin building your list.

2. DRIVE traffic to your landing page.

Once it’s up and running, you’ll want to get people actively and intentionally (no tricks or schemes) visiting your landing page. A percentage of them will join your list and offically become your “subscribers”. Congrats!

3. DETERMINE your offer.

Next you’ll want to determine what you’ll be promoting to your list. If can be your own product or service, something you market as an affiliate or even something you’ve purchased a license to sell. Anything that will generate a profit for you if your subscribers decide to purchase it.

4. DECIDE upon a subject line.

You likely aren’t the only person who is mailing to your subscriber. Yuck, you have competition! Fortunately, you’ll be able to beat your competitors. One of the key ways to do this is to decide upon an attention-grabbing “subject line” for your mailing. Getting your subscribers to notice your email message among the many others they are receiving is a critical first step towards getting results.

5. DIRECT the response of your subscriber.

After deciding upon a subject line, you’ll want to craft the actual email message that you’ll be sending out. Sometimes this will be content-rich (I.E. Will include an article, newsletter or other information) while other times it will be promotional (I.E. Will strictly be an advertisement). Most times it will be a combination of both. The key is to get your subscriber to take action after reading your message.

6. DEFEAT the spam filters.

Probably the most important part of the system is getting your email message received and read by the subscriber. With spam filters, junk folders and other hindrances at work wreaking havoc with deliverability, it can be a challenge to get your mailings to your intended recipients. When you do this, the effect and results are felt and seen immediately.

That’s the system. Obviously, that’s just an overview, but that’s the system. That’s what I teach. That’s what you’ll soon be using.

And get this -

ALL “gurus” and other people who are successful at
list marketing are using this same system in some form.

To be sure, there are different techniques for each of the six components, but EVERYONE who is successful with marketing through opt-in email lists uses the same basic system that I reveal in this training. Everyone. There are no exceptions. It works for me.

It works for my clients. It works for “gurus”. It works for all others who are successfully profiting from email lists.

And it can work for you too…

I know, because it has worked for thousands of people just like you.

Yes, even beginners.

I promise your situation is not unique. And more importantly – your situation is NOT hopeless.

The big problem is that people who are spinning their wheels in this industry are doing so because they’ve been disillusioned and, in many cases, deceived by shady characters.

Have You Been Force-Fed These Three List-Building Lies That Will Never Produce The Results You Want?

If you are seeing little or no results from list-building, it’s likely because of one or more of these three “lies” that are floating around the internet marketing scene…

LIE #1 EXPOSED!“It’s All About Quantity, Quantity, Quantity.”

Don’t let anyone ever tell you that all subscribers are created equal. They aren’t. There are two kinds of subscribers: quality and not-quality. You DO NOT need to have tens of thousands or even thousands of list members in order to make a significant amount of money. The truth is, it’s all about quality, quality, quality.

LIE #2 EXPOSED!“It Can Be Achieved At The Push Of A Button.”

Let me ask you a simple question: if you could simply push a button or sign up for a service or join a program and everything just happened “automatically” … don’t you think everyone would be doing it? A quality list isn’t built by launching a software program or logging into a service and then just watching the totals grow larger and larger. Whether you’re building a quality list through joint ventures, affiliate program, pay-per-click ads, solo mailings or any other “tactic”, it takes effort. Learn this: the quantity of your quality is directly proportional to your investment of time.

LIE #3 EXPOSED!“The Real Info Is Reserved For Those Paying Top Dollar.”

How much do “secrets” cost? If you look at the current trend, you’d have to say that it comes at about $997.00 in the form of a bunch of CDs, DVDs and manuals, OR it comes at about $97-$497 per month in the form of a membership. The bad news is, that’s not in most people’s budgets. The good news is, it isn’t necessary to shell out the big bucks to access REAL information on building and profiting from opt-in lists. In many cases, I’ve seen $27 ebooks written by first-rate marketers have more useful content than the higher-priced “home study courses”. Don’t be tricked into thinking you gotta mortgage the house in order to figure this stuff out.

It’s time for you to (finally) see the results you desire without all the lies, loopholes and loot that have been keeping you sidetracked in the past.

That’s why you need to try something different…