Get More Traffic to Your Website: Part 1 of 3

Recently in this newsletter I shared a series on how to make sure your website is ready for traffic and converting your browsers into buyers. You can find all 7 parts at (just scroll down a bit to find the posts that start with “Making Your Website Work for You”).

Then I shared “10 Easy Ways to Get More Links to Your Website” and got a wonderful response from subscribers. If you missed it, you can read it on my blog at

So I’ve put together another list. This time, it’s 15 ways to get more traffic to your website. I’ll share five strategies in each of the next three newsletters.

Search Engine Optimization

Over 400 million searches are performed every day on the various search engines. 84.8% of web users find websites through search engines. Every day people are searching for the information, products, and services you offer! Are they finding you?

If you want to get some of that traffic, start learning about search engine optimization. It’s not rocket science, just takes some time and effort, and the results can really boost your traffic.

Here are three steps you can take to improve your search engines: (1) Use relevant titles on your pages, (2) include lots of valuable content on your website, (3) work to build incoming links to your website.

Download my free special report on Search Engine Optimization basics here:


Have you started your own blog yet? It’s a great way to connect with your target market and the search engines love the fresh content.

WordPress is a fabulous free blog you can add to your own website —

Once you’re up and running, here are some tips to get your blog noticed:
* Exchange links with other blogs (using a blogroll)
* Make sure you have an RSS feed enabled
* Be sure that “pings” are turned on
* Install plugins to help your posts get into the social bookmarking site, my favorite is
* Get listed in Blog Directories:

Social Networking

Websites like MySpace, Facebook, and Ryze that allow individuals to connect with others by sharing their interests, opinions, photographs, and whatever parts of their lives they choose. Take some time to explore a bit and see which sites are a good fit for you and reach your target market.

Social Bookmarking

A rapidly growing trend that allows you to recommend and share content with other users by essentially “voting” for the content and commenting in it.

The two biggest social bookmarking sites are Digg ( and Delicious ( You might also look at Technorati (

Make it easy for people to bookmark your websites by adding little icons that users can click to bookmark. With a WordPress blog, it’s easy and you can use this plugin: You can add Digg directly to your website with these tools: or this free service:

Review Products & Services

Take a few minutes to write honest testimonials for other small or home-based businesses and email them. They are likely to print them on their websites and be willing to include a link to you.

This is how I found my business coach–she shared a testimonial with an internet marketer and I saw it, followed a link to her website, and signed up!

Be sure to only review products or services you’re willing to be associated with. You can send reviews directly to the companies/professionals, or you can leave your reviews places like

Next week… 5 more ways to get traffic to your website!

17 Ways to Make Your Small Business More Earth Friendly — Reduce Costs, Increase Efficiency, Add to Your USP

(Be sure to read all the way to the bottom where I’ve included links you can use to get listed in green directories, join campaigns, and add credibility to your site if you’re running a green business.)

Let’s start this month’s article with a friendly disclaimer. I am aware that not everyone agrees with Al Gore, Leo DiCaprio, Al Sharpton or Pat Robertson. There’s a quite a debate with interesting scientific evidence and support for several perspectives on the issue and I respect that. So, if you don’t believe global warming could be the end of civilization, there are other compelling reasons to take action to be environmentally friendly in your business.

Respect for the planet and life all around you is the most basic of those reasons, but here are three others: it can reduce your costs, increase your efficiency, and add to your USP (unique selling position).

By following the familiar reduce, reuse, and recycle mantra you can save financially, which will allow you to invest more into growing your business or free up family finances.

You can increase your efficiency and get more organized by making small “green” changes such as printing less. For example, fewer piles of overflowing paper will make it easier to keep that working space clean and uncluttered so you can stay focused.

Sharing that you care, whether it’s about the planet, the people, or some other angle, or some other cause entirely, helps you connect with your market and become more “real” than just a hidden person behind a faceless website. It’s okay to allow your personality and passions to shine through your website and marketing. In fact, it’s smart marketing!

So with those benefits in mind, here are some small steps you can take to make your business greener:

1) Reduce the amount of paper you use. Before you print, think. Do you *really* need to print out that email or document? If you just need a backup copy, pick up an inexpensive USB thumb drive and use it to save copies of important files.

2) Reuse and recycle. Keep a small box or tray for paper that you’ve printed on but no longer need and announce to your children that they are welcome to color, paint, cut, etc with the paper. Kids don’t mind recycled paper and some really creative projects can result from paper that’s already been used.

3) Buy EnergyStar appliances. Watch the energy usage on any appliances you purchase–computers, sergers, sewing machines–whatever tools are required for your trade. Always turn them off when not in use.

4) Go paperless for billing. Many business models easily lend themselves to e-billing. If yours does, do it. It will save you not only paper/envelopes, but also time and postage. Bills get where they need to go quicker, too.

5) Use organic, recycled and/or natural elements. If you’ve got choices in the materials you use, take a few minutes to research your options. You may be pleasantly surprised by the range of choices available.

6) Choose reusable. Instead of notebooks and paper for your to do lists, consider a dry erase board or go to a digital online version. Try Google Calendar instead of a paper planner. If your products require certain materials during the production process, can you use something reusable instead of disposable?

7) Buy in bulk. You’ll save time as well as trips back and forth to the store if you purchase in bulk.

8) Change your lighting. Open the windows in your home office or working area and enjoy the beautiful, natural light! Replace your old style light bulbs with energy-saving fluorescent bulbs to save energy and reduce your electric bill.

9) Choose a VA (virtual assistant) instead of an in-person assistant. Work with employees or contractors who work from their homes and you’ll help save the gas and emissions from cars driving back and forth as well gain as many, many other benefits.

10) Combine errands and schedule meetings selectively. Can you do them all on one day? Fewer trips in your car are better. If you can eliminate some errands by having the USPS carrier (who’s already driving by) pick up packages or meeting with clients via Skype instead of in-person, consider it.

11) Buy Green Tags. With green tags you can compensate for your CO2 usage. I purchase mine through

12) Go 100% Replanted. Through you can have trees planted to make up for your paper usage.

13) Choose your packaging materials carefully. You can find green packing materials starting at or|BIOBAGS Recycle or reuse when feasible.

14) Deliver your products digitally. Can you offer a digital version of your products? How about offering your patterns as a PDF download? Or a PDF ebook option of your printable book? Encourage the digital options. Check out for an easy way to sell digital items online.

15) Sell locally. No need for shipping if you sell to local customers. Try craft shows or farmers markets if they fit your products. You can find listings online at or Depending on your products you could also work out discounts or commission based deals with tourist shops, museums, locally owned bookstores and other businesses or organizations in your local area.

16) Support green businesses. Does your webhost power their servers with green energy? Does your printer offer recycled paper for brochures or business cards? Look for ways to support other businesses who are making an effort to be green.

17) Share your commitment! Websites listed below maintain link directories of eco-aware businesses. Add yours if you’re taking action steps to be earth friendly.

• EcoFirms:
• EcoBusinessLinks:
• Green People:
• Coop America’s Green Pages: ($75)
• OCA Green People:
• US Green Commerce:

Got more suggestions? Leave a comment below and share your ideas.

4 Simple Keys to Increasing Your Website Credibility

Note from Michelle: I worked with Rebekah recently (she proofread of my newest ecourse) and can wholeheartedly recommend her services.

Remember the old days? When you were seeking information on a topic or looking for that perfect gift, you knew exactly where to go. The librarian went to grade school with you and the department store clerk coached your son’s Little League team. You knew you could trust their judgment and advice. Today, we are constantly bombarded with information and advertising from every corner. With the advancement of the Internet, that has never been more true. Anyone can put anything on the Internet…and they do!

When we are putting our own sites online, we know that we are trustworthy. But how can we show that to our website visitors? People today are being taught evaluation techniques to implement when reviewing websites. If we understand what they are looking for, we can be sure to provide them with that information. There are four specific keys to website evaluation: Authority, Accuracy, Currency, and Objectivity. Let’s look at each of these very briefly.

When designing and creating content for your website, make sure you include exactly who you are. You might be surprised at the number of websites that share information or attempt to sell a product and yet never clearly state who they are or who the parent company is.

Hire a proofreader. Seriously. Many people do not take the time to have their website proofread and the typos and grammar errors that are usually sprinkled throughout are the biggest credibility killers.

People like to know when certain information was published. If you are blogging, the date of the post is usually displayed. However, if you are writing articles for your website or elsewhere, including the date of the article is paramount to keeping you credible in the eyes of your visitor.

Presenting your information with a minimum of bias is not as easy as it sounds! Your desire should be for your visitor to recognize the value of your information—not because you spoke passionately, but because you took a step back and shared the whole picture.

This is just a small taste of what you can do to increase the credibility of your website—and you! If you are interested in learning more about this topic, I invite you to register for my free teleclass. We will be discussing these four keys and looking at even more ways you can increase your website’s credibility.

Rebekah Jones is a Virtual Assistant and Business Trainer for Real Estate Agents. She provides simple strategies for streamlining business tasks, thereby giving Agents the freedom to grow their business. Are you ready to minimize your time behind the desk and get back out there to meet with potential clients? Then be sure to visit for your free information!

Did you know that August is Leave Your Legacy Month?

As a business owner, you get to do something you’re passionate about every day. It’s fulfilling to be able to do work you love and make a real difference for people.

Have you ever really sat and thought about the impact your having – not only for your clients, but on the world?

Building a business is big work and it cannot be done alone. As an entrepreneur, you need help, and you need to be supported. For the month of August, I’ve teamed up with 12 other fabulous business-building professionals. These women are experts in their field, they relate to what you’re going through, and are eager to help you build a strong business.

We are offering tools and resources – free – that you can download and check out right now. Simply go to to meet these fantastic women and get the help you need.

Be sure you check it out soon – the page will only be active for the month of August. After that, the bonuses come down to make web space for another project.

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