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Which Social Networks Will Best Showcase YOU as an Expert?

Before you spend time on ANY social network you need to identify what your goals are and whether that platform will help you reach them.

If you’re looking to connect with potential clients, then find out if they use that platform.  If you want to drive traffic, check into what options you’ve got for sharing your links and content.

Here’s a great infographic from Zintro that offers a breakdown of the top social networks statistics and some tips on leveraging the different options on each one.

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  1. Gail Gardner
    Twitter: GrowMap

    Very interesting infographic. Surprising that they didn’t give a total users number for Twitter. Not too surprised they didn’t point out that Twitter is favored by influencers to spread things virally. Am I the only one who wonders why Google+ is so much more heavily a male bastion? I wonder if it is because of the adult photos some are sharing there? There would have to be a reason – any ideas?
    Gail Gardner recently posted… Google Trends: Surviving Google for Small BusinessMy Profile

  2. Flora Morris Brown, Ph.D.
    Twitter: florabrown

    This is an interesting graphic. I have a few issues with it, however.

    1. I’ve heard that the fastest growing demographic on FB is the 55+ group. I don’t see them listed here.This info could be relevant for businesses going after that demographic. What we don’t know is how the 55+ are using FB other than showing off grandkids’ photos.

    2. The 21-24 age group may make up 17.5 % of FB users, but you have to ask what activities are they engaged in there. Just because this group is your demographic doesn’t mean you can necessarily get their attention there. My grandkids and others I know in this demographic are sharing photos and talking about their social events. Unless you are in music or entertainment I’m not sure how many businesses are getting biz on FB from this demographic. Correct me if you have evidence to the contrary.

    3. This graphic gave us the drawbacks of FB, but not of the other three. Does that mean those have no drawbacks?

    4. LinkedIn has been my favorite way to connect with people in my demographic, especially for connecting and forming relationships and alliances. I find the majority of my radio guests by visiting the groups on LinkedIn.

    5. LinkedIn folks seem to be more serious and professional. LinkedIn members answer my inquiries fast. Some messages I sent to entrepreneurs on FB go unanswered. (Of course with all the recent changes on FB, who knows where those messages are.)

    6. Originally Facebook groups were formed by an entrepreneur who then had to beat the bushes to get people to join them. Now, the most successful and productive Facebook groups seem to be the ones that are formed as the result of a (mostly paid) workshop, membership site, class or webinar . Maybe it’s because the members have made an investment or commitment and come to the group already sharing a common interest. Their frequent participation keeps motivation and encouragement high as well as stimulates sharing and increases the opportunity for joint alliances.

    7. As for Google+, I joined it of course, but still have a “wait and see” attitude about its effectiveness for me. I’m not surprised that there are more males. I suspect that early adopters are always mostly male.
    Flora Morris Brown, Ph.D. recently posted… What’s Trending When Publishing and Literacy Shake Hands?My Profile

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