Driven. Crazy. Relentless. Focused.

Are you driven? Crazy? Relentless? Focused?

What do you see?

Do you see what everyone else sees?

Or do you have your own vision?


If you can’t see the video, click:

Photo credit: darrenhester from


  1. Lisbeth Tanz
    Twitter: lisbethtanz

    I guess I don’t see myself as relentless and driven, but I guess I kind of am. I have refused to get a J.O.B., even when I really wasn’t sure where my next check was coming from. I always knew my path was as an entrepreneur, but had to learn the hard way that the corporate way really wasn’t for me.

  2. Dan L says:

    I like the definition “Someone who can make something out of nothing”, from the video. Yes, I quit my corporate job and the ownership and drive I feel right now has no limits :)

  3. Andrew Walker says:

    Driven checked. Relentless checked. Focused checked. Crazy ??? …. I need to work on my craziness! :)

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