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Need a Pep Talk? Kick in the Pants?

Ever get discouraged?

Frustrated that you can’t “balance” everything?

Not sure what steps to take next to reach your big vision for your life’s work?

Feeling unsure what your superpowers are or how to share them with the world?

Stop reading this post and go get The Fire Starter Sessions  by Danielle LaPorte right now.  Seriously.  Don’t keep reading, go order it and then come back.

Did you order it?  Good.

Now, here’s what you’ll get when the book arrives on your doorstep… It’s a serious pep talk to follow your heart and do what comes easy.  And not just rah-rah pep, but real, honest, deep work.  This book is packed full of pratical worksheets and exercises to help you get on track and moving in the right direction.

My favorite part?  Permission not to be balanced.  My idea of balance has always been a little off and it’s worked for me.  I’d rather spend time doing what makes me feel alive and passionate, than to balance my life with X hours per day for X things on someone else’s list.

Anyway, enough from me.  Just go read the book.  You’ll love it.

And if you can’t wait for UPS to deliver it, then go read Danielle’s website while you’re waiting: www.daniellelaporte.com

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  1. Sara says:

    Thanks for the suggestion! It is easy to get frustrated or to count yourself out in this business. Sincere pep talks are hard to come by; they all seem fake. I will see if this book is as good as you say it is.
    Sara recently posted… Mailbox PostMy Profile

  2. Flora Morris Brown, Ph.D.
    Twitter: florabrown

    Thanks so much for recommending this book. I believe that balance is not an equal mix, so I know I’ll enjoy Danielle’s book when I get it.

  3. Adalia John
    Twitter: adaliaj

    I have the Fire Starter Sessions and three other books to read. I’ll let you know what I think. When I use the word balanced living, I’m not looking for equal time, I make an effort to spend some time in each of the important areas of my life, on a regular basis: family, business, spiritual health, recreation, etc.

    Ir’s like the word perfect … some feel that’s impossible to achieve perfection but it’s a subjective reality.

    Let’s see what Danielle has to say on the topic of balanced living.
    Adalia John recently posted… Are You Happy Infographic: Being Happy is SimpleMy Profile

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