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Five Ways Your Blog Can Make You Money

You blog because you’ve got something to say… maybe it’s a message to share, maybe it’s a way to help more people, maybe it’s a personal expression thing.  Whatever your motivation, it’d be nice to make a little money from it, right?

Depending on your blog topic and how it fits into your business, you’ve got lots of options!

Here are five ways you can make money with your blog:

1.  Advertising

You can offer advertising spots on your blog.  For example:

  • Image/Banner Ads (check out WP125 plugin or BuySellAds.com)
  • Text Ads
  • Paid Posts
  • Ads in Your Newsletter or RSS Feed

Or you can consider options like Google Adsense.

2.  Affiliate Marketing

What products or services have you used and can recommend that your readers might be interested in?  Check into whether they’ve got affiliate programs you can sign up for.

Here are some strategies for promoting affiliate products:

  • Write a review post
  • Create a resource list blog post or page
  • Write and giveaway a free report you can include a link in
  • Ad a link or add to your sidebar
  • Do a webinar or teleseminar (you promote on your blog and social media to get people there, the presenter gets to make an offer after they deliver valuable info and then you get a cut of any sales)

3.  Virtual or Physical Products

What products do you offer?  Be sure to promote them on your blog!

No products yet?  What could you create or put together to sell?

4.  Communities or Continuity Programs

What could you build a community or continuity program around to offer on your blog?

5.  Your Services

What services do you offer?  Do your blog readers know they can hire you?  Consider adding a page to your website highlighting your services, if you don’t already have it.

Brainstorm what else you could offer!

Other Options

You can also make money from your blogging by flipping blogs (you start or purchase a blog, make it thrive, then sell it for a profit) or by using your blog to help you get a job or grow an offline business.

See how many options you’ve got?

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  1. Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A.
    Twitter: Adjuvancy

    Great advice, Michele!
    Roy A. Ackerman, Ph.D., E.A. recently posted… And, the wind, she cries— Power?My Profile

  2. helen bogun
    Twitter: HelzDesign

    just thought to create an ad for myself

  3. Farrel says:

    Your post is packed with great information Michelle and a helpful one. I will look forward to apply this tips.

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    Farrel recently posted… Samsung Galaxy Note 2 QuadMy Profile

  4. Reese says:

    Very helpful, Michelle, specially to those new and well, the not-so new to blogging. Your post – your blog posts in general – is short, simple, and informative. Great job, keep it up!
    Reese recently posted… Identity Theft Protection: Protect Your Good NameMy Profile

  5. Neil | Fulvic says:

    Great post Michelle. I would like to add that people must be patient and not expect results overnight. Everything that you have suggested here takes time to yield results.

  6. Adalia John
    Twitter: adaliaj

    Great money making tips Michelle. I agree with Neil one needs to be persistent and patient.
    Adalia John recently posted… 15 Commonly Misspelled Words: Do You Misspell Any of Them?My Profile

  7. Julie
    Twitter: mamamakesmoney

    I feel like there is so much more I need to learn about affiliate marketing. It seems like it is something that works very well for people.
    Julie recently posted… Guest Post: A Make Money BlogMy Profile

  8. Pete Goumas says:

    Hi Michelle, I liked your idea of writing reviews on product to sell affiliate products. I think there is no better option than this option to sell affiliate product.
    Pete Goumas recently posted… MythologyMy Profile

  9. Wade Balsdon says:

    Good post. I struggle with the idea of flipping a blog. It would kill me to build up a profitable blog only to sell it to someone else. :-)

  10. Harun Korkmaz says:

    Let’s win the money :)

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