Would You Like to Pick My Brain?

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If you’ve ever wanted to pick my brain, here’s your chance!

You’ve been reading my blog.  So you know I’ve got all sorts of info rattling around in my techy brain about websites, ecommerce, wordpress, plugins, social networking, automation, creating information products, teleseminars, and all that “stuff”… and since I’ve been running my own successful business for 10+ years there’s also marketing, planning, and practical info in there about juggling family and work.

I’ve shared a lot of it here and in my ezine.  But that’s pretty general stuff.  I’m offering you the opportunity to get exactly the info that you need out of my brain, customized just for you.

This offer is good only through Tuesday, May 31st, or until 10 spots are filled–whichever comes first. I don’t know if I’ll make this offer again so if you want it, grab it now.

For just $39 you’ll get:

1.  A private video review of your blog/website. You’ll send the URL and I’ll visit and create a video sharing what you can change and improve, including whatever information I can offer to help you make that happen  such as plugins, links to helpful websites or videos, and recommended service providers.  (This does not include making the changes for you, just the information so you can take action on any changes I suggest that you want to try.)

From a client I recently provided a video blog review for:

It was awesome to have an expert view of my existing blog, areas for improvement and consideration.
In addition, you then showed me other blog sites to help me “see” the opportunities and the possibilities. Why this is important is because whether someone starts with a blank slate or existing layout, you can’t know what’s even possible — or important! You can “tell” someone what they should consider, but the true value comes in “seeing” what one can do and examples of where it’s working.
This is TREMENDOUS value for any website/blog owner! And I think I shared the incredible feedback I received on the redesign of the site and the blog!
You brought me into the 21st century and gave both my online and offline business greater credibility! Thanks so much Michelle!!!
–Chris Makell, America’s Courage to “Think Bigger” Business Coach

2.  Ask me any 5 questions via email.

Send me an email list of your top 5 questions currently bugging you and I’ll answer them via email.  These could be questions related to adding new features to your website, selling products online, marketing, social networking, etc.  If you look through my blog a bit (michelleshaeffer.com) you’ll have a pretty good idea of what topics I can help you with.

Some examples might be:

  • What topics could I write about on my blog? (I love brainstorming blog post ideas!)
  • What parts of my website should I worry about to get better rankings in the search engines?
  • How can I get more followers on Twitter (or Facebook or Networked Blogs or…)?
  • I wrote an ebook.  How can I get it setup for sale on my website?
  • I want to create an info product, where should I start?
  • How can I back up my website/blog safely?
  • Which shopping cart would work well for me to sell (fill in the blank)?
  • How do I accept payments online?
  • What plugin would help me do (fill in the blank) on my blog?
  • Where can I find photos to use on my blog?  Should I include photos or images?
  • How can I create a freebie to get people to sign up for my ezine?
  • How do I send out my own ezine?

I may answer the question with a written answer, or I may create a quick video for you explaining what you’ve asked, depending on the question.

Questions I cannot answer would include those on law/legal or accounting issues.  I’m not an accountant or a lawyer.  Any info I share with you is for informational purposes only and it’s up to you to decide what to do with it.  :)

3.  An optional profile/interview here on my blog.

I can share your video critique, highlights of it, or do an interview with you and feature your products/services.  I’ll find an angle that features you nicely and provides value to my readers as well.  This isn’t required, just a little perk I can include.

Important Notes:

  • G or PG blogs/websites only.  I’m not the right person to help you if you blog on adult topics, or anything I wouldn’t want on my screen while my kids are around.
  • Depending on your questions, turn around time may be from 1-4 days.  I want to be sure I provide the most helpful information I can.  I’ll complete reviews/questions in the order they’re received.

Ready to grab your spot?

Click here: http://michelleshaeffer.com/members/signup.php?price_group=30&product_id=30&hide_paysys=paypal_r

If you’ve already purchased something from my website, login here, and then add “Pick My Brain” to your account and checkout: http://michelleshaeffer.com/members/member.php


  1. Lisbeth Tanz
    Twitter: lisbethtanz

    This is a cool idea, Michelle! Good for you for stepping out!!
    Last blog ..Is Your Blog Bump ShowingMy ComLuv Profile

  2. Melanie Kissell @SoloMompreneur
    Twitter: melaniekissell


    What a valuable personalized service, Michelle, at a tremendous value!

    The only burning question I have is …
    How did you come up with this idea?

    I LOVE IT.

    Since your offer ends on Tuesday, I’ll see what I can do to spread the word (quickly!).
    Last blog ..Rainbow FartsMy ComLuv Profile

  3. Juracy
    Twitter: JuracyJ

    Dear Michelle,

    My website is in Spanish. Could you help me anyway? You could see the general idea and ask me questions on it. Would it be possible? Please let me know!

    • Michelle Shaeffer
      Twitter: MichelleShaeffr

      Hi Juracy, I only speak enough Spanish to survive (spent some time in Honduras and managed to find everything I needed). :) So I wouldn’t be able to critique copy or headlines but I’ll send you an email now and we can see what might work.

  4. Juracy
    Twitter: JuracyJ

    THANKS! I’ll look for it right now.

  5. Valerie says:

    Hey Michelle this is great of you to share you great knowledge I will try to come up with some good questions.
    Last blog ..Diet to Go coupon code discountsMy ComLuv Profile

  6. Rhonda Neely says:

    Is this service still available Michelle?
    Last blog ..Joint Venture Invite for On-line Business OwnersMy ComLuv Profile

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