Easy, Fun Ways to Create Content for Your Blog

Got writer’s block trying to come up with your next blog post?  Break out of it with these alternative ideas for blog posts.

Do an Interview:
You could interview a client, a reader, or an expert.  You could even build a series of posts around interviews or create a weekly interview feature on your blog.  Start by creating a list of who you’d like to interview, then create a list of questions.  Next send those questions to your interview subjects by email.  Be sure to let them know why you’d like to interview them and request their permission to publish their responses on your blog.  You could also conduct the interviews by phone or Skype and create an audio recording to share instead of written blog post.

Do a Pod-Cast: If your typing fingers need a break, record an audio pod-cast with a tool like CinchCast, AudioBoo, or Audio Acrobat and share it on your blog.  Just type a quick summary of what you’re sharing and tag the post with good keywords so people can decide whether to listen or not, and so your site search brings it up in searches.

Create a Video Blog:
Take it a step beyond audio and create a video blog post.  You can video yourself sharing your thoughts or you can create a slideshow style video to share.

Republish Your Content: Did you share information in your newsletter, in a guest blog post, or somewhere else online that you didn’t share with blog readers?  Unless you agreed to an exclusive content license, repost the content on your blog.  You might also look through your autoresponders, ebooks, and those abandoned files on your computer to see what other content you’ve already written that’s perfect for your blog.

Share an Article: A search at EzineArticles or the other article reprint sites will bring up hundreds of articles on any topic.  Pick one your readers would be interested in and share it on your blog.  Add your own thoughts, too.

Review a Book:
Write up a review of a book you’ve read that you loved or that your readers would enjoy hearing about. Include an overview and pull out a gem or two to share about what you learned or enjoyed.

Review a Movie or TV Show:
Has a recent movie or tv show reminded you of a life lesson that your readers would connect with?  Share it!



  1. Karen Wilson Wehrle says:

    Okay, I have my headset and signed up at BlogTalkRadio and I believe I can read an article I wrote. Have I done it yet? No. Why? Well…. I need a sound-proof studio, right? Not! Just a little nerve. Just a little practice. I’ll get there. Thanks for the boot in the backside. Not that you meant it as such, but I’ll take it. Hee!
    Karen Wilson Wehrle\’s last blog ..How to Attract Money Into Your Life–4 Principles for SuccessMy ComLuv Profile

    • Give it a shot – background noise might not be as bad expected. I’m amazed at how noisy my kids can be while I’m recording and my headset doesn’t pick it up. LOL You can do it! (Says the person who needs to be recording her own and slacked off… tomorrow… let’s record together!) :)

  2. Daphne
    Twitter: BousquetCMP

    Thanks for the tips. I am repurposing my ezine content right now. I have articles that are about 750-800 words long and I find that with a little elaboration I can get 3 blog posts out of them. I also like the idea of interviewing people. I already have some interview teleseminars I can pull from, but also some people I can interview via email. I know I can do 31 this month!
    Daphne\’s last blog ..Workshop Marketing ToolsMy ComLuv Profile

  3. Sheila Atwood
    Twitter: SheilaAtwood

    The interview idea has worked well for me. To keep it simple I just sent an list of questions by email and then published my questions and their answers in an interview format.

    I had not thought of adding my thoughts to the ezine articles I publish…good idea.

  4. Uzi says:

    You are right about video blogs. There are many softwares available to help you made professional videos.

  5. Jeannette Koczela
    Twitter: jeanettekoczela

    I like these ideas. It also occurs to me that you could have someone interview you. Like a colleague or mentor, or someone with more visibility than you have.
    Jeannette Koczela\’s last blog ..What RecessionMy ComLuv Profile

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